Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Gran Torino

I really liked Gran Torino.

I didn't like the film by Woody Allen that took place in Barcelona. Couldn't empathise with any of the characters nor relate to their chattering. Match Point was much better, less allenesque.

Clint Eastwood made a fantastic statement about life, really. Funny, because he hardly spoke a word.

Also saw "Zatoichi" for the umptieth time (the one by Beat Takeshi).


Nonickname said...

I loved Match Point. All I heard were complaints about the movie, being depressing and not Woody Allen enough.

Scheyenne Zigzag said...

Strange, some people that I know wrapped it up as being depressing too...I found the story great, the acting superb, the directing subtle...and there was none of Woody Allen's usual French boulevard blah blah

Anonymous said...

Which Zatoichi? I am going through the ones from the 1960s to 1970s. Zatoichi and the Chest of Gold is my favorite so far. I like that he always takes the morally right choice even when it leads to his demise - unless he is pushed too far then he fights back. I like that he seems to always get the girl, but then leaves town without her.